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Welcome to our New Site!

That's right! We're finally pulling our digital selves together and transforming our former "landing page" into an actual web page - complete with an online store! Indeed, we hope to begin accepting online orders for LOCAL DELIVERY in the next few weeks! Unfortunately for our out-of-town fans, we'll most likely be waiting out the Summer before we begin to offer shipping. Keep an eye on our social media pages, sign up for our mailing list, or send us an email if you'd like to be included in our pilot program before opening up shipping channels to the general public.

In addition to the Online Store and the usual bells-and-whistles, our new site will also feature the occasional Blog post about what we've been up-to, information About Us and Our Values, and a Portfolio of our various confections and creations (no more having to remember what bonbons you bought in the store or excess packaging materials to tell you before becoming trash (see also: Our Values)).

Thank you so much for visiting! We look forward to seeing you again, be it in-person or online!

Our Recent Posts


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